Saturday, October 3, 2009

Phone line - No more!

It wasn't until later Wednesday evening that I remembered the real purpose of my blog. It hadn't been to talk about my Colts but to let everyone know we no longer have a land line. We started this process this spring when our answering machine broke. We didn't see the point of purchasing another one just so telemarketers could leave those annoying messages. This change coinsides with our switch to Direct TV and canceling AOL, Sirius radio and some other things to reduce monthly spending. Sorry economy, I'm not helping that way anymore. All in all this is to help our ultimate goal of purchasing land and not living within the Eau Claire city limits. Although, that's still a couple years away unless we win the Powerball tonight. Finger's crossed.......
So, in the future, the best way to contact Bob and I will be via cell phones or email. Please feel free to email me if you don't have my cell phone number.

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