The Colts game was AMAZING!!!!! Partly because they won BIG but mostly because it was the first home game I had gone to. Nothing against the game we went to last year at the Metrodome. Being a part of the home team is definetly a different atmosphere. There's something to be said about partying with 77,000 of your closest, dearest, fellow Colts fans. :)

Lucas Oil Stadium

Tailgaiting a block behind the stadium. We cooked brats and drank. It was a great time.

Pre-game warm-ups

Jen, Denise and Sam .... pre-game

Me with Mr. Forest Lucas and the 2007 superbowl Ring!!!!!! Holy Cow!!!

Jen and Denise

The field before the game.

Freeney!!! Glad to see he was playing.

This was for Scott cuz he like the accent mark on Garcon's name.

The official pie of the Colts. We even saw a commercial for it at the hotel Saturday night!

Mmmmm....... Memories.......

Reggie! Reggie! Reggie! Brings back memories of chanting for Reggie White!

We're gonna score a touchdown!!!

Oh yeah, there was another team there, too.

Towards the end of the game, the stands were almost empty so, we moved a little and ended up in the first row of section 145. We were close to the tunnel used by the Seahawks and got to see them interact with the fans at the end of the game. Next time I sit by the Colts tunnel! :)

Former Colt Edgerin James

Final score. Should have been 34-3 but, they had to gimmes at the end versus the 2nd/3rd string defense.

Scott was left with our bags while we shifted around the stadium.

The stadium from the interstate. The roof was open during the game and closed by time we got to the interstate. We didn't realize we needed sunscreen on during the game and got a little burnt. Oh well. As we left, I was texting Bob that we have to do this again. It was a great time.

Sam's coveted blue and white striped socks. I told her we would find them in Indy.

Sunset somewhere in Illinios. We finally left Indianapolis around 6pm EST and arrived back in Eau Claire at 1:00am. Yesterday was a long day. But, I would do it again in a heartbeat.
So....... who wants to go to a game with me?
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