Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Amy is a genius!!

After my anniversary blog, Amy mentioned a way to transfer the photos over here from our Website. And, low and behold!!! It worked!!!! They are somewhat blurry but, it still gives you an idea of some of our wedding pictures. Too Cool!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Girl's Weekend

Two weeks 'til Girl's Weekend!!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!

I can't wait!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

So much to post.......

After being sick for the last two weeks. I am behind in my blog. Apologies to all. LOL I'll have to start from the last post, which was Halloween. Here goes.
Saturday evening I went out with Sara, Amy, and April. Alex went to Grandma Schultz's and Bobber was working some mandatory overtime. This is the second extra Saturday night he has had to work within the last 5 weeks. Let's just say he's not allowed to work any extras for a while. Back to our evening out. Amy and I were going to go shopping but, were distracted by beer at Ang's house. I love Ang and Rick's new bar area. Super cool. So, we met Sara at the new Milwaukee Burger Co. (former home of the Grizz) The decor was missing something. And, no it wasn't a bear butt stool. But, the food was fabulous. The apparently make their own hamburgers and buns. We couldn't help but notice the new lower cut shirts also. They never had those at Grizzlys. They also still have my favorite teas and seasoned sour cream. Overall, Milwaukee Burger Co beats New-Grizzly's hands down. April joined us after taking 2+ hours to eat Turkey. Either that or she was sleeping off the effects of the triptaphan (sp?). You be the judge. Next we went to the Hallow and played dance crazy to many songs and get busted taking pics while Jen is in the bathroom. Both were outstanding games and I hope to play again sometime.
Sunday was Mikayla's 3rd birthday. Happy Birthday to Mikayla! And, we welcome Owik to the furbaby family. I can't wait to see pics, Mik.
Monday, I don't remember anything other than working. So, couldn't have been that interesting.
Tuesday, hopefully everyone voted. What an amazing time we live in! Record voting, the first AA president and results before December.
Last night, Bob, Alex and I had the opportunity to have dinner with Sara, her new boy, Brian and Andrea at Dooley's. Bob and I have never eaten there. The Mushroom and Swiss (I have to get my fungus somewhere) was messy and tasty. We will def have to eat there again.
And that brings us up to today....
All week Amy and I have been working on our ticket options for the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. Today they have been requested. We will find out in December if we get our requested tickets. Fortunately, it's not on a first-come first-serve basis. And for the most part the events we chose were not in high demand. It will be interesting to see what we get back from them. It's soooooo exciting.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N 2008

By Alex:
Last night I went trick or treating with Kris, Mikayla, Mikki and Mommy. I had fun but when I went to Mrs. McCracken's house, she was not there. I was sad. But, I had fun though. It was the best night of Halloween. Later when we were trick or treating, Grandma, Sammer and Aubrey came out with us. I had fun with them. Mommy pulled me and Mikayla in the wagon. Sammer was in there, too. But, not when we started. Sammer ran with Mikayla to the houses. But, I beat them some times back to the wagon. Mommy pulled us all and ran from house to house. Everybody laughed a lot. Sometimes we had to cross the street and sometimes there was a big bump. Sammer's back hurt a lot. One time, Mommy ran and there was a big bump when we got to the road. Everybody laughed but Sammer did not laugh.
The End.

Alex and Mikayla as a Bride and Blue. I'll let you determine which is which. :)

Sprout as a Princess.

Kris, doesn't like pictures which is sad cuz she was looking very festive.

Mikki as herself, I mean a devil.

Jen as one of Alex's bridesmaids. My mom was the other.