Saturday, November 1, 2008

H-A-L-L-O-W-E-E-N 2008

By Alex:
Last night I went trick or treating with Kris, Mikayla, Mikki and Mommy. I had fun but when I went to Mrs. McCracken's house, she was not there. I was sad. But, I had fun though. It was the best night of Halloween. Later when we were trick or treating, Grandma, Sammer and Aubrey came out with us. I had fun with them. Mommy pulled me and Mikayla in the wagon. Sammer was in there, too. But, not when we started. Sammer ran with Mikayla to the houses. But, I beat them some times back to the wagon. Mommy pulled us all and ran from house to house. Everybody laughed a lot. Sometimes we had to cross the street and sometimes there was a big bump. Sammer's back hurt a lot. One time, Mommy ran and there was a big bump when we got to the road. Everybody laughed but Sammer did not laugh.
The End.

Alex and Mikayla as a Bride and Blue. I'll let you determine which is which. :)

Sprout as a Princess.

Kris, doesn't like pictures which is sad cuz she was looking very festive.

Mikki as herself, I mean a devil.

Jen as one of Alex's bridesmaids. My mom was the other.

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