Friday, February 13, 2009

Woo Hoo!!!

Last night, Bob and I booked a flight and hotel for a summer trip to Orlando. I am so excited to see my uncle and cousins. We are splitting our hotel stay and are planning to stay 4 nights closer to the fam and the other 3 nights closers to a certain Mouse and friends. I will be on the hunt for that certain Mouse as we did not see him in 2005. Alex is very excited to fly for the first time but is even more excited to see the new Pixie Hollow and find Jasmine. Little does she know, I have something in mind. I better make reservations for it soon though.
Well, that's all the time I have to blog right now. Alex's school is have a Valentine's dance tonight. All grades can attend and parents are required to accompany their child. Ttfn.

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