For our 11th anniversary, I decided we were getting out of Eau Claire, if only for one night. I worked til noon and we left our house about 12:30, grabbed lunch at McDonald's and away we went. Our first stop in the Dells was the Original Wisconsin Ducks. Very beautiful and relaxing. After that we checked into the hotel and Alex got ready to go to one of the Water parks. We planned to spend a couple of hours there before going to Kahunaville in Kalahari for dinner. No smoking drinks this time. Maybe next time. After we got back to the hotel, Mom offered to stay with Alex so we could go to the Casino. We came back with $40 more than when we went and it was a nice time. But we were exhausted and then went to bed.

Alex's side of the room. She picked out our hotel and room for this trip. And while the room was an upgraded one, it was still half the cost of the Kalahari. Yikes.

Our side of the room, complete with balcony.

Mom and Alex at Kalahari
After dinner at Kahunaville, we walked around the Kalahari a bit to see if there were any big changes since we had stayed there last. And although we didn't see it, they do have a new indoor amusement park.

Water park #2. I didn't take any pictures of the 1st water park thinking we would get back to it. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. This part of the complex allows for year-round tanning. And all the water parks are a lovely 82 degrees year round. You might find me here in February!

Having fun! I love it when she's smiling!!

Water park #3

Waiting for the bucket to empty

Lazy river

Water slides

We checked out of the room at 11 and stayed in the park until 2. We had planned to get some lunch at one of the cafes but I refuse to pay $9 for a slice of pizza and a soda. So, we got Alex dried off and made our way to Culvers for lunch and then headed back home. I don't think we were 10 miles down the road before Mom and Alex were asleep in the car. Alex slept the majority of the way home. I guess we did a good job of wearing her out! The only stop we made on the way home was in Osseo for gas. We would have been 5 miles short of making it home. :)