Saturday, January 24, 2009

So much to Blog, so little time....

I am behind on my blogging again. This is a busy time of the year for us. Alex's birthday is Monday and the party is today and It's Girl Scout Cookie time. That really is where most of my time has gone. In addition, we figured out someone has been sick in our house since the week of Thanksgiving. If I stop sending Alex to school...... Would we be healthy? Or, maybe if I stop working......?
So, today is Alex's party. We are planning to have adults at our house this afternoon 3-5. Then we are taking the kids to Action City after that. Alex was up this morning before 5. She wanted to start blowing up balloons. Much to her dismay, I made her go lay down for a while. I know she didn't sleep but, it was nice to have a break from the bouncing-off-the-wall girl. She is going to blow up the balloons after Daddy vacuums and sweeps.
I can't wait to be done with work to go finish decorating. :)

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