Alex turned 8 on Monday, January 26
th. She was born in Nashville at 1:14pm, on a Friday. I will never forget the moment of becoming a mother. The intense, instant love attached to something so tiny was very overwhelming. And, now she's 8!! I wonder where the time has gone and why she has to get bigger and older. When she was born, she weighed 5lbs, 9 oz.
Preemie outfits were huge on her. I couldn't imagine how she would ever fit into the 3-6 month clothes. I used to be able to change her by holding the diaper down with my thumb and fore finger. Sigh.....
Her party this year was last Saturday. For her birthday, she decided she wanted to go to Action City. This was the first repeat activity as we've tried to do something different each year and tie it in with a theme. My two favorites have been the Dora party complete with map and activities like the book and
Spongebob with the pool party.
Anyway, so we had a Cat birthday party and went to Action City. They don't really work together so, I gave it up this year.
LOL. Both parts of the party were a blast. Everyone had to come up with their name if they were a cat. I was meaning to share some of the names but I forgot the list at home.
Alex picked out the snacks and drinks this year. I was shocked when she wanted punch and fruit and veggie trays. Apparently, my goal of eating better is rubbing off on her. We also had cake at home and Pizza at Action City.
Monday, her actual birthday, we went to Cancun. She loves one of the servers, Jesse, and wanted to wear the big hat. When they sang to her they
smashed whipped cream on her face. She giggled through the whole song. It was so cute. She also got to see where and how they make the tacos that night. She really has them all wrapped around her finger.
LOLHere are some pictures of her festivities.

The Littlest
Petshop Cake. It was the only cake we could find with a Cat. I didn't realize that would be so difficult to find.

Aubrey, 11 months, and Peyton, 15 months. Aren't they cute?

Alex and her cake.

And, no, she's not windy like her mother. It took her three tries to blow them all out.
Ahh ha ha ha. At Cancun with the whipped cream. I love this hat. It is gorgeous!!