Happy 9th Birthday to my beautiful baby girl. Who was very quick to tell me this morning, she's not a baby. Oh, how quickly she has grown. Nine years ago today at 1:14pm. I became a mother to a 5 lb 9 oz little monkey. At the time, she was too small to even wear preemie clothes. Somewhere along the way, she has grown into a spirited, feisty, precious young girl. I can't imagine my life without her!Saturday, we had her birthday party. Because of weather, we opted to not go sledding. Instead they played outside after watching part of the Bolt movie and loading up on sugar. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking giving them puppy chow and soda. Live and Learn!This was the first party Alex has had with school friends. We decided to have them over from 1-4 and family and friends 3-?. At 3, we opened presents and did the cake. A little backwards for the later group, but when have Bob and I ever done anything normal? She really had a good time. I'm glad we set up the party(ies) the way we did as she was able to play with everyone and nobody was left out. As gifts, Alex gave the kids boxes with a whistle, bouncy ball and color crayons in the shape of dog biscuits. lol. I need to apologize to the parents for the whistle. Again, not sure what I was thinking.Tonight, we are going to CanCun for dinner. She loves that place and is hopeful they will smush whipped cream in her nose again. LOL I can't wait to see what the next year brings for her. Stay tuned, there's more to come!
Dipped Pretzels
11 years ago
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