Saturday, January 30, 2010

What's new with Vancouver?

We're into the final stages of getting ready for Seattle and Vancouver. Amy is on her way home so we can ship some things (sleeping bags, puffer vest, winter coat, boots, snowpants and the most beautiful scarf ever - Thanks, Jan!!) to Deb's apartment. We were introduced to Deb via email from Lana. Amy met Lana on her trip to Norway. Crazy! Anyway, through the course of events, we are now staying with Deb in downtown Vancouver. That should save us tons of travel time to and from Victoria. We also like that it is saving us a couple nights of hotel. I switched our hotel reservation from The Queen's something something to a hotel called the Waddling Dog closer to the airport. The Waddling Dog is actually a Quality Inn so, it should be great. The thing that makes this hotel so exciting? The waddling dog! There's actually a dog on the property that guests can walk. How cool is that?!?!?!?! We can't wait!
In addition to shipping some stuff this weekend, I am also trying to figure out how to pack everything else in a carry on. That should make for a blog topic all it's own. lol.
Other details in place......
We are taking the train from Seattle to Vancouver Sunday, Feb 14th.
We have ordered gifts for Lana and Deb.
Pins for trading are on their way.

Oh, and we will be writing some articles for the Leader-Telegram while we are on the trip. We are tentatively doing three to be published on Feb 16th, 17th, and 18th. Amy and I have both done interviews already for a piece to be in the paper on Feb 7th. So super exciting!!! It's been a crazy week trying to get this organized. But, I can't wait. LT is available online for those not in our area. I'll have to post the link before we leave. 13 days, it's going to fly by now!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy 9th Birthday, Alex!!!!!

Happy 9th Birthday to my beautiful baby girl. Who was very quick to tell me this morning, she's not a baby. Oh, how quickly she has grown. Nine years ago today at 1:14pm. I became a mother to a 5 lb 9 oz little monkey. At the time, she was too small to even wear preemie clothes. Somewhere along the way, she has grown into a spirited, feisty, precious young girl. I can't imagine my life without her!
Saturday, we had her birthday party. Because of weather, we opted to not go sledding. Instead they played outside after watching part of the Bolt movie and loading up on sugar. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking giving them puppy chow and soda. Live and Learn!
This was the first party Alex has had with school friends. We decided to have them over from 1-4 and family and friends 3-?. At 3, we opened presents and did the cake. A little backwards for the later group, but when have Bob and I ever done anything normal? She really had a good time. I'm glad we set up the party(ies) the way we did as she was able to play with everyone and nobody was left out. As gifts, Alex gave the kids boxes with a whistle, bouncy ball and color crayons in the shape of dog biscuits. lol. I need to apologize to the parents for the whistle. Again, not sure what I was thinking.
Tonight, we are going to CanCun for dinner. She loves that place and is hopeful they will smush whipped cream in her nose again. LOL I can't wait to see what the next year brings for her. Stay tuned, there's more to come!
Maddy, Amber, Katelyn, Alex, Alyssa, and Sydney

Bags Fly Free!

No blog would be complete without the self portrait. This one makes me laugh because of Amy in the back.
Bags Fly Free - NOT on Delta or NWA!!!
Snow! :(
No more snow! :) Although, it is short lived.
Us at the airport waiting for our not-so-free bags. We had tried to pack just carry-ons........ lolololol. But we are women, we need our accessories and mid-50's doesn't help one pack. Vegas in the summer is much easier to pack for.

New Celebrity Friends

Be a swan, be a swan, deal the cards, deal the cards.
Mikki and Toby
Amy and the Elvi
Heeeeeeey, it's a party in the U.S.A.
LOLOLOLOL I guess Amy doesn't like the Jonas Brothers


Mikki and the Blarney Stone. Guess we should have rubbed it more. I had good luck downtown.
I wish I remembered what we were doing here.......
The view from our room at Four Queens.
Fremont Street

I don't know what to title this......

Our first morning in Vegas. If we had been in WI, I would have thought it was going to snow. Still warmer than Eau Claire, though.
On our way to the Palms. We had a sweet shuttle driver from Paris to the Rio.
I'm a playboy bunny
Amy's a playboy bunny. She said her ass was the same size as this bunny!!
Mikki is a playboy bunny
Waiting for the bus. We seemed to do a lot of that this trip.
Elvis spotting. He really is alive, ya know!

Ellis Island and Misc Group Pics

Not that Ellis Island isn't special enough to have it's own post..... but, these were too good not to fit in somewhere.......
Last night in Vegas, dinner at Toby Keith's.
Us at the Bellagio Conservatory. I am doing slight Barbie toe. Us at New York New York. Without even trying we all still cordinate outfits! Yes, we are that good.

5 times points. Naaa, we had 12 times points. Woo Hoo!! I wonder when they will send our comped room info!!
The outside. Not much to see on the inside but, we get lots of free drinks!

New Year's Eve Day

Outside Mandalay Bay
Mikki said "I finally have a pot to piss in"

Picking Garth's nose
Bobber picking Amy's nose. She looks happy doesn't she!?!?

Mikki is Carrot Top. On Amy's blog, I'm a polar bear. The lady on the right looks scared! lol

New Year's Eve in Vegas

It's the final countdown... do do do do, do do do-do do
The Eiffel tower from where we were standing on the strip
Me and My gigantic beer. It was 67 ounces, not the 64 Amy kept saying it was.
Everything's bigger in Texas? Texas ain't got nothing on beer in Vegas!!
The Strip, still a few hours til midnight. We went outside early and then returned to the sportsbook to chill til about 11.
Bobber liked this. No, we didn't see the inside.
Us on the strip about 20 minutes to midnight
The crazy Mexicans we were having fun with. They were a blast and at one point we had them chanting Amy's name. Good times!!
Bellagio had their fountains going off almost back to back. It kept us entertained and most of the crowd sang along with the songs. Although, the crazy Mexicans changed the words to God Bless the USA.
Some of the fireworks from Planet Hollywood

Each of the hotels had their electronic signs counting down to New Year. Entertaining as the signs were not in sync with each other.

Happy New Year!!!!!

At the Wynn the on New Year's Day. We aren't even hungover, we were good!

Fountains, the last night we were there.